Fifth Avenue (Harvard Review)
Bright and Clear (Paper Darts)
Make I Here (Somesuch Stories)
Book Reviews
Women Seeking Intimacy Through Food, Mathematics and Rhythm (The New York Times Book Review)
Reclaiming a Name: On Alfian Sa'at's Malay Sketches (Gulf Coast)
(Alphabetical by subject)
The Memoir of a Political Prisoner Who Never Stopped Imagining a Better World (Electric Literature)
People with My Kind of Upbringing Were Not Destined to Be Writers (Electric Literature)
The Surreal Stories of “Lake Like a Mirror” Show How Power Distorts Reality (Electric Literature)
In "The Unpassing," a Taiwanese Family Grieves in the Harsh Wilderness of Rural Alaska (Electric Literature)
Imprisoned in Egypt for His Writing, Ahmed Naji is Finally Free (Electric Literature)
Up to the Challenge: A Conversation with Ricco Villanueva Siasoco (The Margins)